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lost in marrakech
backpackers helpful information in Marrakech

Coast to Coast
The definitive backpackers guide to adventure and accommodation in South Africa. The site covers South Africa, Namibia, Swaziland, Lesotho, Mozambique, and has some information on Botswana, Zimbabwe, Zambia and Malawi. Information is updated on a regular basis, which means that contact details for different hostels and adventure companies are the most recent available.

travelcomments.com is an online backpacker travel guide through Southern Africa. Tra:guide is truly comments-based. It's your experience that creates this independent travel guide. Made by backpackers for backpackers. Tra:mag keeps you informed about Southern Africa and the backpacking culture. Find the the lastest news on Southern Africa, the weather forecast,information about the Southern African countries and quite a lot of other interesting stuff!

www.hostelguide.de powers the link databases of
www.backpackernetwork.de www.globetrotterhostel.de www.helterskelterhostel.com www.heartofgold-hostel.de www.sunflower-hostel.de www.5elementshostel.de