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search results for: location >> Western Europe >> Germany >> general >>
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Backpackers Garmisch
There is no real backpackers, but a lot of nice budget B&B’s and other places to stay. But soon we will open the Backpackers Garmisch for you! For the meantime these places are happy to accommodate you:

Regional Tourism Board Vorpommern
recommendable trips and sights around vorpommern area. camp Muschelkojen open may til september.check out www.muschelkoje.de

0800 bookabed
the site that helps you save on phone costs while travelling germany. All listed Hostels are available through a 0800 free call number, 0800-bookabed.

lastminute offers from germany to somewhere else. good offers, easy handling, but site in german only.

do backpacking the easy way. let them take you there.

Gullivers Busreisen
Busses from and to various major cities in and around germany

Well we got to list at least one german travel agency too, right?

The Flyer
Update yourself! the Flyer knows about parties not only in Berlin, but all major cities in Germany.

Deutsche Bahn
Die deutsche Bahn kann einem zwar online immer noch nicht 100%ig sagen, was es von A nach B kostet, geschweige denn den Betrag vom Plastic abbuchen und den Fahrschein zusenden, aber zumindest erzählen Sie einem wie oft man umsteigen muss. Das ist doch schon mal was!

browsable map of Berlin and other major Cities in Germany, adress search
http://www.stadtplandienst.de/query?ORT=b&STR=Gr?nberger str&HNR=23&PLZ=10243

www.hostelguide.de powers the link databases of
www.backpackernetwork.de www.globetrotterhostel.de www.helterskelterhostel.com www.heartofgold-hostel.de www.sunflower-hostel.de www.5elementshostel.de